
Our Praise Ensemble’s Objectives (讚頌團宗旨):

Our Praise Ensemble’s Objectives (讚頌團宗旨):

Through the beautiful music that God has given us (including sacred music and hymns), we strive to encourage and faithfully support our brothers and sisters in Christ to always be grateful and offer praise. In doing so, we aim to strengthen individual spiritual growth and wholeheartedly participate in the church’s music ministry.

Praise Ensemble’s Scripture:

“Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise; give thanks to Him and bless His name!” (Psalm 100:4)

Slogan of Our Choir:

Grateful every day, praising every moment.

讚頌團宗旨 :

籍 神所賜美好的音樂 (包括聖樂及詩歌),竭力鼓勵並忠心協助主內弟兄姊妹時刻感恩;讚頌,進而提升個人靈命,並齊心参與教會中的音樂事奉.

讚頌團經訓 :


合唱團口號 :
